I ordered a pediatric otoscope. That's right, a device to look in my kid's ear when I think he might have an ear infection. Let's face it, I dropped the ball bigtime last month and I don't want it to happen again. One of the pediatricians in the practice suggested a handy little thing called a "middle ear monitor." While I could certainly see the usefulness of something like this, it's big claim is that it can give you an idea of the likelihood of there being fluid in your child's ear. Well, Dane practically always has fluid in his ear because he has allergies. What I really need to know is if I need to take him to the doctor to get a round of antibiotics. I certainly don't want to take him if he's not in need of antibiotics, because all parents know that even if your child doesn't need them, he probably will after a visit there! Exposing an asthmatic little one to more plague than absolutely necessary isn't on the top of my list. And because he never runs a fever, acts strangely, or has a change in appetite when he gets an ear infection, someone has got to look in those ears!
Enter the "pocket" otoscope. (I find the term "pocket" hilarious because as crazy as I might be, I am not toting that around in my pocket all day.) I've debated the purchase for quite some time, but the recent congestion in our household finally sealed the deal. We'll see how it goes. I figure for the cost of one co-pay to the pediatrician, it's worth a little peace of mind. And most of you know I love disgusting medical stuff anyway so it's right up my alley.